Voxox passes DLR's from our partners to you without modification. As we have over 250+ routes globally, these are the most common responses that you will see
Status Code: 000
Note: USA shortcode will return 4, this is a successful delivery
Messages with a Delivery Receipt (DLR) with this status should be considered delivered to the destination.
If you have a report of a message that was returned as delivered but it did not reach the handset, please complete this form to request an investigation.
Status Code: 000
When a message is routed to the operator partner without error, but we are waiting for a Final DLR (such in the case of a Toll-Free route) if we do not receive a DLR from the mobile operator, you may see this status.
You should consider this status the same as DELIVRD as there was no rejection from any partner (see REJECTD for common reason codes)
To determine the cause, you should review the status codes (listed below) that Voxox returns in the delivery receipt (DLR)
Status Code: 121 / 470 / 770 / 066 / 999 / 8 (Content Block)
- Content has been correctly or incorrectly blocked for spam
- ESME Receiver rejected the message
- Mobile Operator has blocked senderID or content
- 121 is an SMS firewall called Adaptive and is a content and/or velocity algorithm
- 470/770 is a static block on content
Suggested steps to correct:
- Change the content of the message.
- DO NOT use public url shorteners
- bit.ly, goo.gl, tinyurl.com, tiny.cc, is.gd, soo.gd, s2r.co, clicky.me, etc.
- Complete this form if you believe that the message should have been delivered.
Status Code: 750 (Rejected Destination)
- The end-user carrier has rejected the message (not provisioned
- The number is invalid
- The number is not SMS enabled
Status Code: 351 / 3041 (Invalid Destination)
- The number is not valid
- The number was not recognized as allocated to a carrier
Status Code: 902
Toll-Free handset delivery: If the handset is off or unreachable during the submit_sm (sending of the SMS) then you will likely receive this status after 5-120 minutes depending on the partner. As the message was not REJECTD, it was delivered to the mobile operator and is queued for delivery.
- DLR was not received immediately and the expiry timer (5 - 120 minutes in most cases) has expired
- May occur when sent to a non-mobile number (SMS enabled landline for example)
- The carrier does not support handset DLR (Telus & Bell in Canada for example do not support handset DLR)
- The message is considered delivered, but handset DLR not received
Status Code: 720 / 003 / 403
- Message rejected by Operator with general error
- May be that the number has been blocked by the operator
- Message sent to route that does not support network, Voxox routing change needed
Suggested steps to correct:
- Check the number to ensure its a valid number
- Complete this form if you believe that the message should have been delivered.
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