What is porting and what can I expect?
Porting refers to the transferring of a phone number from one phone carrier to another.
Here are some terms related to porting that are useful to know:
- Losing carrier : The carrier that the number being ported away from
- Gaining carrier : The carrier that the telephone number is being ported to
- LOA : Letter of Authorization. This form contains the information necessary to authorize a carrier to release control of a phone number to another carrier
- BTN: Billing Telephone number. This is the phone number that is used to bill your account, according to your most recent phone bill
- FOC: Firm Order Commitment. An FOC date is the date that your number has been confirmed to port over to the gaining carrier.
Here is a general overview of the porting process:
- Contact our support team to open up a ticket requesting that you would like to port a number into Voxox
- Fill out the LOA (which is attached to the bottom of this post). Please fill it out completely and accurately. The information must match what is on file with the losing carrier. Please verify with the losing carrier if you have changed any of the following since you obtained the phone number(s) being ported
- Business Address
- Authorized User
- Business name
- Billing Telephone Number
- Send the LOA and a copy of your most recent phone bill to our support team.
- If the information is correct and matches what the losing carrier has on file, then you can expect the number to port within 5-16 business days. Every carrier is different, so the aforementioned times are estimates.
- If there are any complications with the port, the issues will have to be cleared up and then the expected time frame will reset (5-16 business days from the most recent submission)
- Once the exact date (FOC date) has been determined, our team will inform you and we can advise you how to ensure a smooth transition.
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